Custom 1:1 Birth Classes
Birth preparation tailored to your needs
Of course Hypnobirthing is always our #1 suggestion for comprehensive childbirth education, but if you need something a little different, have a funky schedule, or don’t have enough time left in your pregnancy for a full series before baby comes, we’ve got you covered! These one-on-one sessions held around your busy schedule are a fantastic way to prepare yourself for the unknowns of childbirth and parenthood. Whether you are a first time parent or have traveled this journey before, there’s always something to learn and new ways to prepare.
in person & virtual options available - classes can be customized!
Comfort & Connection
6 hours of live instruction divided into two 3 hour meetings. First, you’ll learn powerful Hypnobirthing techniques to cultivate a calm and empowered birthing experience. Then, we will put it all together as we go over labor phases and physical comfort tools.
Includes guided audio tracks & handouts
PRICE: $600
Hypnobirthing Toolkit
One 3 hour session covering just the basics of Hypnobirthing tools: Mindfulness, Breathing, Relaxation, Visualization & Hypnosis. Best for experienced parents or in addition to another birth class.
Includes guided audio tracks & handouts
PRICE: $300
Hypnobirthing Refresher
For students who took our Comprehensive Group Hypnobirthing series and are pregnant again! We will review the previous birth and refresh on key techniques. You will also receive the most updated class materials.
PRICE: $100/hr
(2-3 hrs suggested)