Free Printable Hypnobirthing Affirmations!

Positive affirmations are a very important aspect of preparing for a calm and comfortable birth experience, as we discuss often in our Hypnobirthing classes. When we affirm something positive, it creates belief within the subconscious mind, thus making it more achievable as a goal. For every thought or belief, there is a subsequent and immediate chemical reaction in the body. Calm & confident thoughts = calm & confident birthing!

Decorating your home with visual affirmations is a great daily reminder of your strengths, your trust in your body, and your birthing goals. Seeing these around the house in your final days of pregnancy will strengthen your resolve, and viewing them in labor will remind you of what you need to keep going. These printable affirmations can be placed on the wall in your home birthing space, brought to the hospital or birthing center, and even made in a banner. Birth visualizations AND affirmations make for great clock covers in the birth room - because instinctive birth has no timeline.

These were created to be square size but can be adjusted when printing to make a banner. Many of the affirmations included in this set are also specific to the language we use in Hypnobirthing classes (i.e. surges vs contractions). So while they can be used by anyone, if you are a Hypnobirthing student they are especially beneficial!

Free printable Hypnobirthing affirmations

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I hope you enjoy these and they help to make your birthing space calm and confident. I would LOVE to see how you use these so please send photos through email at, tag Mind Body Baby on Facebook or Instagram (@mindbodybabyoc), or use #mindbodybabyoc.